
Players of the season (14 October 2013)

The 2013 winners for various individual categories

Chezay Soombur won the 2013 player of the year award.

In a roller coaster season, full of injuries and out of the field issues, Soombur was one of the few shiny lights thanks to his attitude and his spirit.
He was willing to play out of position to accomodate other players, and he ended up playing most games than anyone else in the team. He finished the season with an extraordinary few last weeks, scoring twice in the final two games.

Wayne Wills won his second players' player of the year award, after the one won in 2008 

Wills was one of the "old" guys who experienced a fragmented season, because of injuries and lack of fitness at the start, after the career-threatening injury of last year (he broke his knee and he was out almost 8 months).  The team suffered when he wasn't around, and just like Soombur, he rotated different positions to fit the coaches' requests. He scored the final goal of the season and he was the glue that kept the team together during the winter months.

Stoyan Stoychev is sharing the price for players' player of the year with Wils.

Stoychev played most of the season injured, but never gave up, scoring important goals and running his ass off in every single game. 

Keanu DuPless won the best newcomer / most improved player of the year 

Keanu wasn't in the original plans for the starting eleven, and experienced his fair share of benching. But he was always present at training and he never complained once when he came as substitute or when he was replaced. He finished the season with the second most games behind Chezay (and at par with Olgiati, Sethole and Ivings). After his first season as a teenagar in 2011, it showed growth and a better attitude as a player.
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