
Panorama win in a friendly (7 March 2013)

Against the U17 team, final score 5-2

First win of the pre-season in a friendly against a strong U17. Panorama tried a new formation (3-5-2) with once again new players , in the search of the balance that is missing at the moment. After the U17 went 1-0 and 2-1 ahead, Panorama managed to score 4 in rapid succession by simply relaxing and let the passing game do the job.
The 1-1 was scored by Wills, coming back from a long injury, the 2-2 and 3-2 by Basnett, the 4-2 by Maluka and the final 5-2 by Olgiati, with a header from a corner by Pyrotis. 
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