My experience at the event:
If I had brought the Garmin with me I would have been able to actual recod the usual details regarding the race. But unfortunately I had my mind somewhere else, since I forgot the sportwatch and the water!
My final time was 2 minutes less (I used the stopwatch on the phone) that the official one, but with an average around 30 km/h, I was happy with my performance, especially due to the fact that I injured my hamstring only few days earlier.
The race course for the 54km was actually quite quick, with few long (but not difficult) hills, even if after an hour we were racing with some crazy traffic (mostly taxis and trucks) by the side on the road. I raced without drinking any water or taking any food to see what was my capabilities, and I was quite satisfied, with no cravings and no weak moments.
But once I passed the finish line all I wanted was to drink, and luckily the selection of available free drinks was quite amazing! (I even got an ice lolly...)
Some pictures from the race:

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