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9th July 2006: Italy are world champions!
Ian and Sarah celebrating
Tears of joy
Yes Ian, believe it or not!
Let me lick the frenc tears
Yes, we are
Piccadilly like Rome and Milan
Just enjoy it
Waving the flags everywhere
Olafmeister the Weltmeister
Italia! Italia! Italia!
Climbing for glory
Yes Ian! COME ON!
Waving the flag in London
Regent Street is the Italian Valley tonight
Campioni del mondo!
Yes, italians know how to throw a party
Cars stuck in the traffic. For 4 hours.
Piccadilly invaded by italians
Toot that horn dude!
Tonight anyone can pull
Don't you just like those three colors?
English joining the party
Ian and Olaf
Ubriaki di Pirlo!
Blue is the color tonight
Yes, you are a champion too!
Even you!
You too!
Climbing the traffic lights
Piccadilly, 2am
Enjoy the party!
London, such a great place to party
Tonight even that guy will score
Ian DeArdo: true italian
Olaf Olgiati: true World Champion
Forza Italia
Tube, tonight we call you Metropolitana
Italians invade the tube
Little Italy
Party! Campioni!
This is a magic night
Well, someone lost tonight
La Gazzetta Online. I will call my son Gennaro Fabio Materazzi Olgiati!