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Sports Results Archive
About Me
Black Belt Grading
Moments before the start
Some last thoughts
So focused, so sexy
Showing some techniques
Some kick
Some (lower) kick
Ready to roil
The flying Italian
Sparring with Jamie
It's all about how much you can take it
Some quick shots to my trained belly
Ready for the attack
Almost down. Almost!
No fear
Sparring with Paul
Ready for another painful round
Kicking galore
One of my (few) kicks
Yes, that high punch landed on my face
Another one of my (few) kicks
Me and Aurjin (sorry for the misspelling)
More pain coming to my face
Very close to the nuts
Sparring with Dani
Yes, finally I landed a punch
After a (great) butterfly kick, I punched him (in a kick only round...). Here I am apologizing
And here I am down after taking a kick in the nuts
More kicks
Almost finished
More kick to my bruised arms
Even more fun
A rare moment of rest
So close to a head shot...
Me and Dani fighting
Again, Olaf and Dani
Last round with Aurjin
The nice smile on my battered face
Few more punches
And some good defense
Girls are impressed!
The end of it
Tired, but (kind of) happy
After 10 long rounds, I was a bit tired
Waiting for the final results
The final respect
Jamie congratulating the Olaf Meister (even more Meister than ever now!)
Mark Junior, Olaf, and his new shiny black belt
Ellen trying to plant a kiss on a sweaty Olaf
Me and my black belt. Finally
Relaxing in the pub, Jamie and Mark Jr
I can drink after so many weeks.
Me and Matt
With Derek
Everyone wanted a picture with me!
Soon it'll be his turn...
My bruised hip!