Lindsey left. Kirsty's leaving. Star Wars will be over in less than 24 hours.
Do you come from a land down under?
G'bye Kirsty
You know, in life you'll always remember few certain things. First kiss, first love, first fight, first football match, first goal, what you were doing the new year's eve of 2000 (I was parking the car), where you were the 9/11 (I was sleeping after a night of drunken celebration for my goodbye party) and with whom you watched the last episode of Friends in the summer of 2004. Kirsty was among those people.
In the summer of 2004 I spent a lot of time with Lindsey, and her roommates, usually all girls. I was a very lucky man surrounded by girls. We spent some good time drinking Pimm's and eating outside, trying to enjoy a rainy summer. I discovered netball, and I even took part as a ref in the last game of Kirsty's team in the local Girls World Cup.
Lindsey left UK last year, in a cold day of november 2004. Kirsty left the country today.
We had a quick dinner at the local GBK with Bell, Yasmina, Tracy and John (ok, I wasn't the only man. But I was the sexier), before saying goodbye and going back home.
There is always a hint of sadness when people I enjoyed spending time with leave for good. There are always promises of meeting someday, somewhere. But even in today's world, distances can be mastodontic. And I know, cause I wish that South Africa was only a ryanair-flight away.
It happened at the end of every summer when I was a kid. It's happening again.
Or maybe I'm sad because tomorrow Star Wars would be over. Anakin will become Darth Vader and in 24hours my light saber will look more like a extensible piece of glowing plastic than a noble jedi weapon.
And I will feel all my years. I was born when Star Wars was released.
What the hell.
Anyway, goobye Kirsty, and enjoy your downunder life!
May the Pimm's be with you!