My experience at the event:
After almost 2 weeks of rest and little training (I tried twice to go out and run during the week but the pain the calf was too much), I joined Jill and David for the township Marathon.
I wasn't too sure if I wanted to take part in another race (this time 15km, but the full marathon was available) around Soweto, after the terrible organization I witnessed few months ago at the Soweto Marathon.
Luckily, all my doubts disapperead as I proceeded at a steady pace in the race. The organization was superb, the traffic was under control and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. There were no angry runners or drivers which believe me, are a make or break deal for races.
I kept a steady pace trying not to overstretch my sore legs (2 nights before I played a friendly football tournament later at night and I was so tired after 2 weeks of inactivity!), only after I realized that my pain was under control I let myself go a little and accelerated in the last 2km, achieving a decent time considering the circumstances.
Jill finished around 20 minutes after me and David a minute later. So we had three nice times thanks to a very nice course.
Some pictures from the race:

The finishing line

Moments after the arrive

My medal (I got a silver one for my good time!)

Kinesio taping for my calf
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