South Africa: where I've seen thing you people wouldn't believe. The mighty hippo's nostrils. I watched mad taxis glitter in the dark near every stop. Sudden storms like tears from ten billions eyes. Beautiful people in a fantastic country. Time to remember.
Movement Against Movies on the Airplane (MAMA)

This time I was lucky: I just arrived from Italy so, instead of unpacking and packing again, I decided to keep my not-to-smelly clothes in the usual big backpack, and survive the couple of days, including New Year's Eve, with some old clothes. The experiment was very successful.
So successful than
I'm still keeping my cloths from South Africa in the bag ready for some other trip, in few months time. They're rotting. Just a bit. Joking.
Happily packed and after a goodbye drink with my good ole flat-mate Rob, I moved promptly to the airport, to enjoy the usual hours of wait.

Quick check-in, some trash food in my mouth while waiting and suddenly I was on the plane, ready to take off, direction Johannesburg.
One note for the airline companies:
please remove the screen with free films. Or at least make it not mandatory, so I can pay even less.
I'm a free movie junkie addict, so I couldn't help but watching whatever was on my small screen for the whole 10 hours. How can you resist? You have time to spare, 10 and more channels, a selection of free movies, classic movies and sitcom like friends. It's just like going on a free buffet. So I did what I do best: I watched films. I Started with Bourne Supremacy (cool movie) and watched twice Garden State (great movie), squeezing in between random minutes of the Village, Mask of Zorro, Little Britain and Friends.
No sleep at all, and, obviously, after 10 hours I landed safely in
Johannesburg, too tired to realized that the sun was too hot.

Lindsey collected my at the airport with her good friend Shari, a park ranger who worked at the biggest park in South Africa, the
Kruger Park, ando who has a vaste collection of amusing stories.
Unfortunately my eyes were closing too many times to realize that it was just 8 in the morning and I was supposed to survive the next 12 hours pretending to be awake.
We soon arrived at Lindsey's family place, in Devon Valley, not too far from Jo'burg. I met the complete family, dog and cat included, and my first trip was to walk the dog in some park with Lins and her dad.
The big plan for the next day was to go to some place called Sun City, so I needed a swimming shorts (not speedos, forbidden), which

obviously I forgot. Quick visit to Cresta, the bigger shopping centre around Lindsey's house in Devon Valley and my purchases list was completed. Swimming shorts and new sandals. Back home, I enjoyed the common swimming pool only for 20 minutes before the first of many storms hit the place. Storms in South Africa are quite unbelievable: they hit suddenly, and after a short period of time, if you're lucky, they're gone.
But the lighting in the sky is fantastic, even if many people die because of that. Scary thing (but the big killers in South Africa are mosquitos and ...
hippos!, it's not too scary). To avoid a electric shock, we left the pool and have the first dinner with the family. Then, I could finally sleep on a nice air mattress in Lindsey's room, ready for the next day...