It took me quite a while to write the report of my last (and First) US trip.
One month later, I've finally absorbed all the madness that took place in those mad 10 days and I'm finally ready to write something about it.
Just one word of advice: if on Sunday morning you're going to run a marathon (a proper one, 42,195 km - 26 miles), DON'T even think about spending Friday night and Saturday in Las Vegas gambling, drinking and trashing yourself. IT IS NOT GOOD. Especially if the marathon is in Los Angeles, with 95° degrees…
Day 3 - Eating Atlanta

I always wanted to spend some time fishing, haven't I told you before? So I spent some time pretending to fish while surfing internet (miracles of the wireless connection). Incredibly relaxing. After 20 minutes I got bored, but at least I tried one more thing.
After a mini tennis tournament won by me, we spent the afternoon shopping, thanks to the Dollar which was way below the Euro and the Pounds. I personally bought a new camera, as you can clearly see watching the new pictures. Good price, good quality. And I could enjoy my first Apple Store Experience.
And I discovered Beef Jerky. Quality food. Fantastic.
One last pub (and again one more lemonade… you know, trying to avoid heavy drinking session before a 42km run…) and then back to the city, to, probably, the best restaurant I have ever been before.
No, you can't imagine. Even now, thinking back about that restaurant, I'm wondering if I dreamed or not. Obviously, Johnny was the force behind this trip. He knew.
The Restaurant, called "Foco de Chao", was a Brazilian Churrascaria. What does it mean? It means meat.. Roast meat. Beef. Roast beef. It means amazing food.

The starting buffet was probably big enough to kill the appetite of some big guy. Fantastic Italian salami, salads, parmesan, etc.. You have no idea.
Anyway, the best part of the restaurant was the way you were served by the waiters. Don't know if "waiters" if the correct word, because they were just wandering around with these plates with different types of meat on a stick ready to serve you, but I don't know the Brazilian word.
Each client had a small plastic disc with two colors of each face: red or green. Disc on the red side: "I'm ok, I don't need any food". Disc of the green side: "I'm ready to be feed like a pig and please give me as much food as possible cause if I'm going to die I want to die with a big smile and a full stomach". As soon as you flipped the disc on the green side, all those waiters were ready next to you to offer the best part of the meat they had on the plates. Moving.
After few hours, I was crying: "why my stomach is so small?" "why I can't store more food even if I'm after a dump and I should have more empty space inside? Why, God?".
The evening ended in the same bar we went the previous night.

Why? Because of the "Lobster Zone". Do you know that kind of game when, after you've inserted a

coin, you move a mechanical hand to grab some furry animals? Better example, maybe: do you remember "Toy Story"? The three-eyed aliens waiting for the "God" ("A stranger" "From the outside" "ooooooooooooooohhh"). If not, look at the nice pictures gallery, about the lobster's tale.
We played it. We won the lobster. We enjoyed some drinks with Lobby and we brought him home.
He was a nice mate.

Then we killed him and we ate him. Lobby, you were very good. We miss you.